If you are a traveler Vacation Rental Script is perfect for you. To rent the nearest hotel, rooms around your place with the help of a location search. Its save cost and time to spend on searching for the places to stay. Most of the foreign countries used this term for their holidays or vacations. Our Vacation Rental Script is more popular because it’s having extra benefits like amenities, enough space to stay, technology, entertainment, memories and etc.
Which is the Best Vacation Rental Script?
While creating the Vacation Rental Script from the base, it’s not possible within the time. So that we have a ready-made vacation rental script for whom are all wish to start their own rental business. We have Buy2Rental script, it’s just like a future on Airbnb. So you can save time and cost for creating rental software. Our rental script was developed in Laravel Framework so that you can easily modify and customize as your wants. To adding lots features and functions at the time of customization
Vacation Rental Script Workflow
The Vacation Rental Script describes three roles: Host, Guest, and Admin. I have listed down the step by step Workflow of Vacation Rental Script with Airbnb Clone
- Before going to the booking host and guest must register and login into the application
- The host must list their properties.
- List some needed details like how many rooms, it’s there additional amenities are there, guest count and etc.
- Guest searching the properties with the help of location search on the map.
- Once guest choice the properties after that, they give booking request to the Host
- Guest also has two types of Booking, Instant Booking, and Host Approval Booking.
- Host approve the Booking Request
- The payment process has been started. Payment happens either using PayPal or stripe method
- After all the Check-in/Check-out process getting over guest having the review and rating system.
- Once all the process was finished they admin detects the commission amount from the host
- Admin holds the cancellation policy for guests. When the guest wishes to cancel the booking before the Check-in at the time admin performs cancellation policy.
- The Host transfer the Refund amount to the Guest.
In the above diagram describes the entire workflow of the Vacation Rental Script.
So you can enjoy your vacation with family and friends with the help of vacation rental. In Future Airbnb Clone accepts the Machine Learning. Migrateshop provides the best rental script is Buy2Rental.
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